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Walking Tours of River View Cemetery
October 12, 2019 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Essex history comes alive at River View Cemetery as Essex Historical Society (EHS) expands its popular walking tour program to include tours of Essex’s River View Cemetery on October 12, 2019. Trained, knowledgeable guides will lead tours of the cemetery’s oldest sections tracing its history over three hundred years. EHS gratefully acknowledges funding for the walk through a grant from the Community Foundation of Middlesex County.
Located on the shores of the Connecticut River, River View Cemetery testifies to the early history of “Potapaug,” as Essex was once known, with the oldest gravestones dating from the early 1700s. Come hear the stories of the cemetery’s ‘residents’ including: the influence of the town’s first pastor: a traitorous sea captain; an enterprising mother/daughter team; and many other engaging and touching tales. Learn about changes in gravestone art – from grimacing “death’s heads” to ornate obelisks. Enjoy the cemetery’s beautiful grounds as we trace its history from a simple burial yard to the park-like setting of today, especially during this twilight tour starting at 4pm.
The tour lasts about an hour over uneven, sloped, grassy terrain for about half a mile. Walkers should wear proper footwear and possibly bring a flashlight for the twilight tours. While this tour is based on historical facts and is not intended to be ‘haunted’, historical details about death and disease may disturb young walkers. Please meet at the base of the cemetery’s driveway.
Each tour is $5 per person; free to EHS members. EHS expresses its gratitude to the Community Foundation of Middlesex County for funding this new tour as well as the Board of River View Cemetery for their great interest and support.
For more information, please call (860) 767-0681. Limited parking is available in the cemetery or along North Main Street. Ample parking is available next door at Wells Fargo Advisors, 31 North Main Street, Essex. In case of inclement weather, updated information will appear under the Events tab on EHS’s website and Facebook page. New guides are welcome to learn the tour. No experience necessary and all training is provided.