
Sensory Friendly Hours at the Connecticut River Museum

Connecticut River Museum 67 Main St, Essex, Essex, CT, United States

Exhibits with loud noises and/or bright lights will be modified to allow people with a range of differing abilities to experience all the Museum has to offer. A designated quiet room will be set up for the duration of the event to allow visitors to decompress, take a break, and experience the Museum at their own pace. Parents and caregivers must stay with their children at all times.

Dogs on the Dock at the CT River Museum

Connecticut River Museum 67 Main St, Essex, Essex, CT, United States

The Connecticut River Museum is going to dogs again!  This year’s Dogs on the Dock event will be held at 1 pm on October 9th.  Featuring a canine costume contest, … Continue reading

Contact Us

    Essex Board of Trade, Inc., P.O. Box 322
    Essex, CT 06426 or email